Kim Kardashian is seemingly slammed in Taylor Swift’s new album. Their fight escalated well before this.

As well as the stylised title, ‘thanK you aIMee’ talks about “a bronze spray-tanned statue” and a school bully who “threatens to push me down the stairs.” Fans also think there’s a not-so-subtle suggestion that Kim publicly humiliated Taylor back in 2016, by generating media headlines and “laughing at each baby step I take”.
Taylor is standing strong though, as shown in her lyrics, according to fans.
“I wrote a thousand songs that you find uncool / I built a legacy which you can’t undo / But when I count the scars, there’s a moment of truth / That there wouldn’t be this, if there hadn’t been you.”
And even more telling:
“I can’t forgive the way you made me feel. Screamed ‘Fuck you, Aimee’ to the night sky, as the blood was gushin’. But I can’t forget the way you made me heal.”