Shirtless Tom Brady shares intense workout that keeps him in top shape at 47..see more

Brady then revealed – alongside some steamy shirtless pics – that he recently incorporated “some swimming” this year, as it provides “great muscle resistance and some aerobic cardio all at once.”
The ex-quarterback told fans he swims four 100-meter laps in freestyle form, then does four 25-meter laps fast and an additional 25-meter lap for recovery. He then finishes it off with two 200-meter freestyle laps.
Brady also lifts weights to build up his muscle mass, including doing 20 reps of a “weighted step up,” 20 reps of “heavy resistance” band pushups and 10 box jumps.
He repeats this circuit a total of four times. “I’m actually very fit right now,” the NFL champ said on the “Let’s Go” podcast at the time.
“I haven’t had the stress that I had while I was playing so that’s allowed me to focus a little bit more on my physical health.”