This unique tribute follows an unforgettable encounter and a friendly wager that clearly left a mark,Travis Kelce shared the backstory on a recent episode of “New...
In March, they announced plans to open an American steakhouse in Kansas City with the name ‘1587 Prime’. The duo have described their venture as an...
“I haven’t liked Lana since she covered a John Denver song, and I think she should really take seven years off. Up until ‘Take Me Home...
Here is a description of the show from IMDb: “Follows a locally born and bred S.W.A.T. sergeant and his team of highly-trained men and women as...
“Ball is life,” the Kansas City Current co-owner, 28, captioned photos of herself and her Super Bowl champion hubby, 28, posing at an April 13 Sporting...
Jason may not be a born and bred Philadelphian — the NFL star was raised in Cleveland Heights, Ohio — but he is firmly rooted in...
“My biceps are looking good. Look at that picture,” said the elder Kelce when they were reviewing some pics from the Saturday 6 event in Phildelphia,...
Wrexham AFC co-owner Rob McElhenney has taken steps to bridge cultural gaps by extending an invitation to retired NFL star Jason Kelce to learn more about...
During a live event at the University of Cincinnati, aptly titled “Jason Lost His Ring,”Kelce lent his Super Bowl ring for a competition. Teams feverishly scoured...
Taylor swift and Travis Kelce’s families are apparently getting super close, as they’re planning to watch the big game together from a suite, according to sources...