Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez only “got along intermittently” during their Disney Channel days due to drama over their mutual ex, according to a fellow former...
“We are rebooting the show,” he assured the disgruntled fan, reiterating, “We’re gonna reboot it. We’re gonna do something different.” Interrupting the woman, who...
The “SexyBack” singer’s friends intervened after he was pulled over on June 18 for running a stop sign and swerving into the wrong lane following a...
Sunisa Lee posted “put a finger down if simone biles just ended you” and Jordan Chiles wrote “and that’s on periodt!!” The Olympic ski...
“Congrats baby on becoming the most decorated American gymnast in Olympic history!!!! Just wow!!!! 8 of them!!!!! So thankful i was there to see...
Skinner previously deleted her scathing review of the athletes from YouTube amid online backlash. She also issued an apology, telling Carey, 24, Chiles, 23,...
Vicki Gunvalson is facing a lawsuit for financial elder abuse, negligence, fraud, and other allegations from a 74-year-old former client of her Coto Insurance company. ...
Martina Navratilova once voiced her frustration with the media’s treatment of her early in her tennis career. However, she overcame these obstacles and emerged...
Former Duchess Meghan Markle, who stepped away from royal duties in 2020, is reportedly seeking assistance from King Charles, despite her public separation from the Royal...
Replying to a video clip of his one-time co-star’s interview, the Black Adam actor said: ‘Hate seeing this but love seeing her stand up to b******t....