Breaking News: LeBron James says he cried after turning down Reebok’s offer during the recruiting process…see more

LeBron James signed with Nike in 2003, but he almost ended up with Reebok instead. James said he had three pitches, one from Nike, Reebok and Adidas, during a recent appearance on “New Hight”.
“My senior year, the process began. The recruitments, the Nikes came in and Adidas was still there, Reebok came in, And1, all these companies came in, and I took on three pitches.
I did an Adidas pitch, I did a Reebok pitch, I did a Nike pitch. The best pitch that I got, where I thought I was going to end up, was actually Reebok at one point,” James said.
“I don’t know if you guys remember this, but Reebok had the NFL as well. So they knew my love for football as well, so they had all the NFL jerseys, all the Pro Bowl-looking jerseys that were going to be the next year, and I’m sitting across from the table.
I’m a senior in high school, I actually – I’m going back to class the next day. They flew me in. I’m going back to St. Vincent St. Mary the next day, my senior year,” James said.