Breaking News: Brooke Shields says Tom Cruise ‘eventually apologized’ for his ‘ridiculous rant’ about postpartum depression…see more

“There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance. The thing that I’m saying about Brooke is that there’s misinformation,” Cruise insisted at the time.
“She doesn’t understand the history of psychiatry.” Reflecting on it now, Shields quips that Cruise’s stance was “an interesting opinion coming from someone without ovaries.”
The actress went on to say that while the attack left her “gobsmacked,” shock was not enough to keep her silent. “Had Tom taken a public swing at me before I became a mother, I probably would have stayed quiet,” Shields admits.
“I would have ignored his ridiculous rant. I might have been content to sit back while this very famous man hijacked my experience to advance his own (deluded) agenda. I would have been satisfied that his behavior would speak for itself.”