Meghan Markle is seemingly learning from her past mistakes as she takes up a new strategy to execute the next set of plans. The...
A sequel series to the popular drama One Tree Hill is in development at Netflix, according to sources. The original series stars Sophia Bush,...
Spencer Sutherland claimed that being on the stage and connecting with his fans is more than a drug for the rising singer. “To be...
Today, I’m going to talk about something that I don’t bring up very often: I love Justin Bieber. He’s hot AF, he gives no f*cks, and...
Prince William and Prince Harry, who have not been publicly seen together since their father King Charles’s Coronation in 2023, reportedly had a secret meeting in...
The pair were spotted as they wandered past on a mid-morning stroll wearing matching black tracksuits and holding cups of coffee. And the British...
“The list of those I have hurt is long and includes Chris, his family, many of my dear friends and loved ones, all those in attendance,...
As the Kylie Cosmetics mogul continued to chat with her boyfriend, she was seen playing with the necklace around his neck before reaching into his blazer....
Carlos Alcaraz is out of the 2024 US Open after suffering a stunning 6-1 7-5 6-4 defeat at the hands of world No. 74 Botic van...
BTS’ SUGA’s ongoing DUI case has taken the news headlines by storm. Now, the controversy is getting a shift in course as the case...